Forgot Your Password?

A new feature is rolling out today to help people who have lost or forgotten their password. Usually when people need to go through the whole process of trying to get into their account, they're asked to provide an email address in order to receive a link to a page that will allow them to change their password so that, after returning to the login page, they can sign in and do what they wanted to do ten minutes ago. What a pain in the bum! 10Centuries will do this a little differently.

Login Process

As with most websites, click on the "Forgot Your Password" area, and that'll show a place to enter your email address. Type the same one you used to register and hit "Request Email"1. From here the system will check that the email address is valid and, if it is, send an email that contains a single action.

Login Via Email

Rather than ask people to click a link to reset a password, it makes more sense to just let people sign in and do what they need to do. Clicking the blue button in that email will do just that. Want to change your password? No problem. Want to simply bypass typing your really long password because it's a pain? You can do that, too.

This feature is set and ready to go now. Of course, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, do get in touch.

  1. 10Centuries will ask permission before emailing people, so you are technically requesting an email.